

On September 29, 2024, Vancouver was painted in vibrant fall colours and picturesque scenery. The weather was perfect, with the cloudy skies of the past few days giving way to a bright blue sky. Over 240 guests from the Greater Vancouver area and nearby cities gathered at Vancouver Chong-De Temple to attend the plant-based food promotion event hosted by the I-Kuan Tao Association of Canada and organized by Fa-Yi Chong-De Association in Vancouver.




The theme of the event centered around a fusion of Eastern and Western veganism cultures, advocating the benefits of veganism. Through engaging lectures, cooking demonstrations, and the enjoyment of delicious food, the event aimed to clear up misconceptions about veganism and promote its benefits in terms of health, environmental protection, and animal welfare.




Attendees were welcomed by the graceful etiquette staff as they entered the Chong-De Temple and took their seats. At 9:45 a.m., Executive Secretary Mei Sheng Fang of the I-Kuan Tao Association of Canada officially announced the start of the event. All participants stood to sing the Chinese I-Kuan Tao Global Association hymn. Next, President Mei Shia Luke and Vice President Chu Lin Chu delivered speeches, congratulating the successful launch of the vegan promotion and extending their warm welcome and thanks to everyone attending. They encouraged people to learn more about the benefits and significance of veganism and to inspire more to join the vegan movement.


素食有益 利人利己





Veganism Benefits Everyone

The first session was a vegan lecture, conducted in both Chinese and English. The talks covered topics such as how veganism promotes better health and strength, its incredible anti-aging and beauty effects, the cultivation of compassion, protection of living beings, and its role in protecting the earth such as by reducing carbon emissions and conserving water and land resources. The speakers prepared detailed visual presentations, filled with rich data and findings from medical and nutritional research. These statistics demonstrated the benefits of a plant-based diet in a humorous, interactive, and Q&A format, which made the session both educational and entertaining, leaving participants more interested and confident in veganism.


精心示範 中西合璧美食文化



Demonstrating East-West Fusion in Vegan Cuisine

The second session was a cooking demonstration. Due to time and space limitations, the cooking process could not be done live, but the lecturers had pre-recorded videos of home-cooked vegetarian dishes. Through these videos and lively explanations, the audience marveled at how vegetarian food could be so exquisitely presented, full of color, aroma, and flavor, perfectly blending Eastern and Western styles. Participants were thrilled to learn that the dishes demonstrated could be easily made at home using ingredients available at local supermarkets.


開啟蔬食新時尚 素食秘笈大公開

接下來是一段表演雙人相聲 「素食秘笈(The Secret Vegan Bible)」。講師們以活潑詼諧的喜劇演繹方式,向大家介紹素食新手如何入門,三餐怎麼吃得健康均衡,肉替代品食材要在哪裡採買及烹調方法,以及分享各式素食美食餐廳搜尋網站資訊,傳達了如何解鎖健康蔬食密碼,改變從你我的每一餐做起。


Embracing a New Vegan Trend: The Secret Vegan Bible

Next was a performance of a humorous dialogue, "The Secret Vegan Bible," where the speakers comically illustrated how beginners can start a vegan lifestyle, how to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, where to buy meat substitutes, cooking tips, and shared various websites to find vegan restaurants. The performance conveyed how to unlock the secrets of a healthy plant-based diet and encouraged change starting from every meal.


圓滿成功 宏展道務



A Resounding Success in Tao Propagation

Following the culinary introductions and demonstrations, the final segment — a vegan feast — brought the event to its climax. Chefs prepared a sumptuous and exquisite vegan lunch for everyone, offering a delightful and memorable dining experience. Attendees were astonished by how the chefs managed to create such delicious meals in the limited kitchen space.




This event was the first major gathering organized by the I-Kuan Tao Association of Canada since its founding in October last year. Gratitude was expressed to the divine grace, the merciful Tao Transmitting Masters, and all the lecturers and volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the event's success. While the temple’s capacity was limited, preventing more people from participating, there is hope for an even larger-scale event in the future. This promotion has surely provided many with a new understanding of the vegan lifestyle, encouraging them to start enjoying plant-based food and to contribute to the spread of Tao and the flourishing of Tao affairs in Western Canada, turning this world into a lotus land.
